Friday, December 7, 2012


Bullying is quite the issue in life today. Through multiple efforts to stop it, it's still a problem.

~ Kathy Saunders shares her view on bullying on, She states that 1 in 3 students are bullied and that 15% to 25% of kids are FREQUENTLY bullied! She is definitely against the bully. She supports her view with facts like,

  • The mistreatment must be intentional.
  • The mistreatment must be hurtful (physical or psychological).
  • The mistreatment is threatening. The individual fears harms. Fear their safety.
  • The mistreatment must occur more than once. However, some disagree with this. They say one very hurtful event is enough to label it bullying.
  • There must be a power imbalance."
Being bullied can make you feel alone, isolated, miserable, scared, sad, small, worthless, unloved, and stupid. Let's stop bullying NOW!"


~This website,, also gives off a vibe that bullying is very bad in schools. It makes them feel multiple emotions ranging from very depressed to very malicious. Also very against the bully.

~ "You can find bullies at any age, but most bullying occurs is in middle school.  Bullies can be boys or girls, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the time they are having problems in school or at home or have been bullied themselves. Unfortunately, some people only feel better if they put others down."


~ In another article, aeisenbe, shows consideration for the bully. She likes hearing their side of the story and wants to HELP the bully instead of bashing them.

"I really appreciate reading about the “other side” and am very interested to hear from current and former bullies as to what they are and were thinking when they were bullying kids."
 I honestly agree with this opinion because if we don't help the bully they'll just bully more!


~ This site expresses a mix of all 3 of the above. It expresses the hurt the bully's prey experiences and it expresses why and how the bullies terrorize their victims.


~ Introduction ~ Through verbal and sometimes physical abuse, a person will terrorize one of their own. A bully, you say? Perhaps. Maybe they're just a person being bullied...a bully being bullied. But on the other hand, maybe they just like to see the pain on their victims faces. 

~ Prompt ~ Read through the following sources carefully. In an essay that synthesizes 2 to 3 of the sources for support, pick a side on the issue of bullying and explain why it effects people around the world and how it effects them.