Friday, December 7, 2012


Bullying is quite the issue in life today. Through multiple efforts to stop it, it's still a problem.

~ Kathy Saunders shares her view on bullying on, She states that 1 in 3 students are bullied and that 15% to 25% of kids are FREQUENTLY bullied! She is definitely against the bully. She supports her view with facts like,

  • The mistreatment must be intentional.
  • The mistreatment must be hurtful (physical or psychological).
  • The mistreatment is threatening. The individual fears harms. Fear their safety.
  • The mistreatment must occur more than once. However, some disagree with this. They say one very hurtful event is enough to label it bullying.
  • There must be a power imbalance."
Being bullied can make you feel alone, isolated, miserable, scared, sad, small, worthless, unloved, and stupid. Let's stop bullying NOW!"


~This website,, also gives off a vibe that bullying is very bad in schools. It makes them feel multiple emotions ranging from very depressed to very malicious. Also very against the bully.

~ "You can find bullies at any age, but most bullying occurs is in middle school.  Bullies can be boys or girls, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the time they are having problems in school or at home or have been bullied themselves. Unfortunately, some people only feel better if they put others down."


~ In another article, aeisenbe, shows consideration for the bully. She likes hearing their side of the story and wants to HELP the bully instead of bashing them.

"I really appreciate reading about the “other side” and am very interested to hear from current and former bullies as to what they are and were thinking when they were bullying kids."
 I honestly agree with this opinion because if we don't help the bully they'll just bully more!


~ This site expresses a mix of all 3 of the above. It expresses the hurt the bully's prey experiences and it expresses why and how the bullies terrorize their victims.


~ Introduction ~ Through verbal and sometimes physical abuse, a person will terrorize one of their own. A bully, you say? Perhaps. Maybe they're just a person being bullied...a bully being bullied. But on the other hand, maybe they just like to see the pain on their victims faces. 

~ Prompt ~ Read through the following sources carefully. In an essay that synthesizes 2 to 3 of the sources for support, pick a side on the issue of bullying and explain why it effects people around the world and how it effects them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Issues. They're Global.

Everyone has issues, but just how many do people on Earth have in common? I'll tell you. A lot.
Many issues such as illiteracy, bullying, and individuality are known problems within the boundaries of our world.

     Illiteracy is obviously known to be a problem in 3rd world countries, but what about in the 1st world countries? Even with all of the education people are honored to be given, they're not using it. Many teens tend to shorten words and come up with new phrases such as, "Swag" and "Yolo". These phrases not only have ignorant meaning, but have no use. They're merely fads created by the general public that gain and lose popularity in time. If people would read more instead of spending time with technology, we wouldn't need fake words.

     Bullying is also a huge issue in the U.S. today. It's often caused by low self-esteem and having the desire to make ones self feel better about how they look, feel, or act. It's no joke and causes many mental scars as well as physical ones. Many teens today don't know how to handle being bullied so they go to the extremes of physically harming themselves. Some go to the point of starving their selves to be "thin", some cut themselves because they think that they deserve pain, and a few even commit suicide. Bullying needs to stop.

     Individuality is also a major problem around the world. Celebrities are often the cause of this problem due to their popularity. Many girls and boys around the globe think that they need to act or look a certain way to be cool, or should I go by their word, "Swag"? Painting oneself into someone else is never the answer. After all, "Better to be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of someone else." People need to learn that they have their own personalities, hobbies, and tastes.

     These as well as many others are issues around the globe that could be easily fixed if given the time and effort to do so. We need to find solutions and not sit around and watch our nation drown in problems such as these.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Roger Cohen

I chose Roger Cohen because he seemed interesting! Unlike most Columnists, he had style, good word choice, and kept me interested throughout the column. Plus he's British! It's fun to see how different his writing is from American Columnists.

I liked his KONY Column the best because it really captivated the hidden meaning in the event. It was good that teens are taking action in something that matters, but it's also bad because it actually DIDN'T matter.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Editorial Cartoons and the rhetoric inside them!

This cartoon is obviously about Earth Day and the health of Earth overall!
     This cartoon is found humorous due to the fact that even though it gives off goofy vibes and looks like something that should be in a coloring book, it is true! On Earth day it seems like everyone turns into a hippie and wants to do everything in their power to help Mother Nature, but every other day they're their normal, all-business-no-play-selves! Another thing I found funny about this cartoon was that Earth was ON Earth! and that both sides of the cartoon a basically opposites(analyzing the Car to Bike, the Veggies to Superstore, and the Sunshine to Clouds.)

This cartoon is about the damage of nature!
     The humor in this cartoon is that the man's allergies are gone because ALL the trees are cut down. While cutting down trees is usually a malicious doing, this man finds a brighter effect of the situation(even though he'll probably die due to oxygen loss because there are no plants! :P) Another humorous thing in this cartoon is just how far the stumps extend into the distance/backdrop!

These cartoons both express the fact that we should car for Earth and its well-being more often through humor and exaggeration! :D

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Inaugural Address, A Symbol of American History...And also of Rhetorical Structure!

On the snow-filled day of January 20, 1961, over twenty thousand people squirmed in front of the nation's Capitol waiting for John F. Kennedy to provide words of wisdom, integrity, and assurance. Becoming the 35th of the United States, Kennedy knew how much this speech would mean to his career as president, therefore he made sure it was as powerful as all get out. And thus, his Inaugural Address was born.
With America escaping wars and conflicts at the time, many were seeking change and improvement throughout the country. Kennedy knew that morphing and improving conditions was his main goal, but he assured his audience that America will work as a team to change what is needed to support life and happiness again. By using Historical Allusions, "We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution.....The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans..." He connects his audience back to their ancestors in remembrance of what they had to do to get America in the shape it was in.
After his act of nostalgia on the audience, he went on with major details such as guaranteeing, by using parrallelism, that they will always fight for liberty, "...that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty." and using alliteration to express his desire to help the unfortunate people in other realms of the world, "...across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves..." And lastly,by using repetition and anaphora, addressed that he has renewed his pledge of support in the United Nations, "...we renew our pledge of support -- to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective -- to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak -- and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run."
Not too long after expressing the improvements he's planning to make, he stresses that America is turning over a new leaf, but he reminds the audience, "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." through anastrophe. Following this, he uses anaphora again to remind the country that both sides must unite as a whole, "Let both sides explore what problems unite us...Let both sides for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals...Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors...Let both sides unite to heed in all corners..."
And although Kennedy indicates that this generation can, indeed, make a difference, he uses historical allusion to assure the audience that it will not be done too quickly and that it is a timely process, "Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days...nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin."
And lastly, he stated two of the most memorable phrases in American history by using anaphora, "...ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country...ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
Overall, Kennedy's speech was filled with many examples of rhetorical structure. It captivated his audience and kept them interested, making his Inaugural Address one of the most noteworthy documentations in American history.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



As you can see on the Left, the famous Pop singer, Avril Lavigne,
is supporting an acne fighting cream called


Avril Lavigne is well known for many of her songs and has been extremely popular since 2000, making her a big role-model in society as well as throughout the world. This advertisement was directed toward teenagers due to the fact that they're going through puberty and generally have oily skin in which produces acne.


ASPCA is a trusted funding source for contributing to animal cruelty.

For years ASPCA has been helping and nourishing cats and dogs back into help. As well as finding homes for the pets, they save them from abusive owners so they can find better homes.


The soul hides sympathy and when one sees something like this, one can't help but to feel bad and or sorry for the poor little thing!

ASPCA used Pathos in this ad to get donations for a great cause. This little guy will get a home soon and be away from his abusive owners very soon.
